“Great touring tips and incite into the touring world for all the girls who have not yet or would like too. A great helpful blog for them to look at and get an idea of the touring world . Thanks Barbie ?”
“Hey Barbie, I loved reading your post! You really nailed the ups and downs of the touring life. As a fellow touring girl, I can totally relate to the rollercoaster you described, and your honesty about the challenges is refreshing. The research phase is so important, and I completely agree about taking others' experiences with a grain of salt. Each location has its own vibe, and our personal headspaces and shifts definitely shape how we experience a place. It’s like every tour is a new adventure with its own surprises! You’re spot on about packing—it's such an art. I definitely learned the hard way that overpacking is a rookie mistake. Now, I aim for versatility and comfort, especially since downtime can be just as important as work time. I’ve even taken a page from your book and learned to appreciate the simplicity of packing light! And yes, the induction and first shifts are always a whirlwind. It’s like being thrown into the deep end, but once you find your rhythm, it becomes second nature. The exhaustion is real, but like you said, it’s so rewarding when you reflect on how much you’ve achieved. It’s so motivating to hear how you’ve built a network of friends and clients while embracing the ups and downs of touring. As tough as it can get, the personal growth and sense of resilience are what keep me coming back too. The lifestyle might not be for everyone, but there’s something about the freedom and the people we meet along the way that makes it all worth it. Looking forward to seeing more of your tours and adventures, Barbie!”