“Great information.”
“Great advice! As someone who has frequented many establishments over the years, I definitely agree. I don't like all the pop up Asian massage parlours though, where the cubicles are open at the top (I like privacy, and it definitely doesn't excite me hearing the sound of some dude in another cubicle ejaculating ?). I also feel there's less intimacy, and the girls rarely undress, unless you ask and pay more. I prefer the all inclusive up front cost... hey, but that's just me.”
“Beautiful reading, and reasuring! Who does not love going for a massage and extras, but not knowing if they will be available? Part of the game!”
“This is a good guide for those getting started. I often gauge if a place offer services by asking if I can take my undies off then go from there ?”
“Good read, but the amp scene has not revived to its pre covid glory and i tend to walk out more than i punt these days”
“Awesome discussion, have to say I agree that not knowing if extras are available is part of the fun, plenty of places I have had a massage without undies on and the masseuse is fine with that but no extras were offered, also if no teasing occurs I am ok with no extras”
“Great read, thank you!”
“Massage is so relaxing for our body its a fun and feel great .”
“Yup! though I imagine it’s rare for a woman to do so, it can be done”
“Thanks. This was a great read and very helpful. Always worth researching to a point...”
“Good advise on what to look out for ”
“Great read!”
“If you come across like Gregory Peck or (if less attractive), Peter Dutton, there is a high chance you will be seen as too legit and might go home disappointrd. ”
“Most clients male or female know what type of massage they what before they come in; have a chat first is always good way to go , most are horney as hell when they arrive so just be organised, towels, oils etc. depending on time frame Erotic Massage is awesome for both !”
“It really is in the interest of both parties to be as clear as possible about what is expected. I have been to places before for just a standard Massage but then it has become clear that they want to offer more services. I will then generally tip more because I know that they depend on that additional income for a living but I don’t think anybody ends up happy with the outcome and you feel like you have wasted their time.”
“Sometimes its nice to go with the flow, but I prefer to just be upfront from the start and ask what is on offer. Never seen anyone get offended”
“Very good points. Absolutely agree”
“Nice read”
“Good information, i guess it pretty much applies when visiting masseuses at private residences to?”
“Great content, thanks for the info”
“I've always been curious to hear how someone knows whether a place is a regular massage or a "happy ending" massage place. Now I know! Thanks for the tips haha”
“Seems like a good summary. In about 30 years I think I've only twice not been offered extras. One of those times was following one of the best teases I've ever experienced. Probably should have asked myself.”
“Definitely some great tips and info. Thanks”
“Great tips for newbie punters. Definitely get naked and definitely try to get hard for the flip. Success is generally a given then. ”
“Great content, thanks for the info”
“Good read, been a while since iv been out for an encounter but this makes me wanna get out sooner rather than later”
“Great tips, also nice fragrance will helps . ”
“It’s the tease for me. I just love the lead up before the flip. Will it happen today? Nothing worse than a half hearted massage and then the order to flip over and you know that all she wants is to make you blow so she can move on to the next punter”
“At the start for me, perhaps being a little naive, a large part of the excitement was the uncertainty. Get naked or leave underwear on. Covered with the towel or no towel. Discrete touching or deliberate teasing......Isn't that why they call it 'punting'?”
“Thanks for the info, very helpful tips”
“Great tips, always treat the massseu with respect”
“Very helpful tips. Have experienced both the positives and negatives over the years :)”
“A well written and informative entry. As always, be respectful of the ladies. Not every experience will be all that you hope, but treasure the good ones.”
“Only having been to a couple of AMP's years ago in another country, there is some good information here, and it's well presented in a light-hearted way.”
“Thanks for an informative post! Will be very helpful to first timers looking to dip their toes into the AMP scenery.”
“There's not many that don't offer some sort of extra . It's the price and quality that changes more . ”
“Having visited many establishment over the years in Perth i always found the most enjoyment was the unexpected extras with girls. I have met some lovely ladies over the years but it seems to be a little harder these days however some people on the forum have given details to enable some really enjoyable experiences long may it continue !This obviously depends on me navigating my way into the private forum as im not the most tech savvy person which is a challenge !”
“A good rule of thumb is that if you can see inside the place from the street a happy ending will hard to come by.”
“In my early years of visiting Asian Massage Parlours, I was pretty nervous and only requested for extras almost towards the end of the massage. In later years I always asked for extras right from the start and only had the massage if time permitted. This approach has been very fruitful and the success rate is over 90 per cent. The high success rate is partly due to the info gained by reading the forum who are the ladies most likely to offer such services. A big thank you to Talkinsex Forum and the many unselfish punters willing to share their experiences.”
“These are all excellent points. Sometimes their attire can also be a dead giveaway; if you see a not fully zipped up dress, or something that looks like they can slip it on or off immediately when the doorbell rings, chances are you've come to the right place.”
“Thanks for the tips, definitely a good read. I stupidly have said no to "have you been here before?" But managed to recover with appropriately timed moans and "that feels great"”
“great tips. practice makes perfect. Over the years I've found it gets easier as you get more confident. Carry enough cash for extras but also try not to show the girls too fat a wallet as typically they'll charge more and service wont rise to match your budget.”
“I Know a lady who works at an upmarket spa / massage place. She said she never did any sexual stuff but most of the "massage" places that have sprung up all over the place these days will do sexual add ons and will give you a massage and then ask if you want the extras. Some places are obviously more brothel than massage joint. i think ones in shopping centres are more of beauty places ”
“I am a sucker for a good massage and more often than not everything is on offer for a fee”
“Interesting read…. Sometimes I do miss the cue and forgot about these”
“Great read. Interestingly I've had great success at legit parlours in Perth and WA by basically following the above and being respectful. Never had to push or bag, just always been respectful and polite. I'm not 10 either so it's not like it was ever about looks for them either.”
“Well said. While I've not encountered any problems myself, This is some sage advice”
“Appreciate the tips and advice! Great insight into the AMP industry. I just want to add another good advice is - please do carry enough cash for extras!”
“Saying “yes” to the have you been here before question is a very handy tip!”
“Yes, definitely love a good massage with a skilled masseuse.”
“Great read! As my first and most industry experience has been in high end erotic massage I really agree with the point on the blog and have real appreciation for the service as a now langtrees escort working in full service. Majority or escorts don't fully understand the extent of the service or the impact of the experience as a whole compared to service generally offered in a full service establishment. It was just this week I discovered almost all full service girls that offer a massage as part of our standard service don't realise the difference between a massage and erotic massage or know a basic body slide which can't have such a impact on the service and pleasure for the client as its a great non invasive teaser! ”
“Great summary and advice. I find being respectful and adding some humour helps. What I've found, is that if extras aren't on offer, then the massage is always good. ?”
“Great advice, always a thill on the tease”