
Is Prostitution Legal in VIC?

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Comments (2)

Mrs. Langtrees commented
“We need to update all these blogs as 2 states have decrimilized since the are writte, Queensland is the latest and they have to word prostitution wriiten out and are now refered to as a sex service providers. I honestly havent updated myself on Victoria decrimilization/// RICHARD IT HELP we need spell check in these comments I dont have grammerly on ,travelling laptop and my dyslexia is showing.”
💖0 👍 👎0 16/1/2025 10:41pm
Montana May commented
“As someone who has only been a working girl in WA, it’s always interesting to read the prostitution laws for other states in Australia.”
💖0 👍 👎0 14/1/2025 7:11pm