“Western Australia is often celebrated for its vast landscapes, rich resources, and unique cultural heritage, yet when it comes to progressive reform, the state consistently lags behind its eastern counterparts. The discussion around decriminalising sex work is yet another example of WA’s reluctance to keep pace with the rest of the country. NSW, QLD, and VIC have already moved towards decriminalisation, recognising the benefits for worker safety, health, and legal protections. Meanwhile, WA clings to outdated laws that push sex workers into the shadows, increasing their vulnerability rather than offering them the rights and protections afforded to workers in other industries. It’s disappointing to see a state with such economic and cultural significance remain stagnant on this issue. If WA truly wants to position itself as a forward-thinking, world-class destination—not just for tourism but for human rights and worker protections—it’s time to stop the delays and take action.”
“It doesn’t cease baffling me that the legal status of sex work in WA is still half stuck in the Middle Ages. The 21st century and the fact that it is well known where the so called establishments of “ill repute” are located - and well used - just between you and me, should be reason enough to finally legalise sex work in WA. Let’s hope for the next election coming up this year …… and fingers crossed it might be on a political agenda again .”