“Another example that escort work is so much more than “only” sex. It is a social service, a mental health service, a community service. Sexy is only one part of the skill set required of sex workers. ”
“Very interesting read. Had zero idea about male escorting. Had always thought that male escorting would be much more difficult to do compared to female counters.”
“Paul's story is definitely interesting! It is always intriguing to hear another escorts' story. I have had conversations with an older male escort in Sydney, and hearing his experiences in comparison to mine was very eye opening. Definitely a topic to explore!”
“It must so hard to mix business with real life vulnerability in regards to both sex. I know I wouldn’t know to balance both with the heart felt stories. Interesting insight. ”
“So interesting seeing this from the lesser shown side of this work ”
“Paul's story is a great reminder of the emotional complexities we navigate in this work. Finding that balance between being supportive and keeping things professional is crucial! Thanks for sharing. ”